Mark Everard’s
TV presentation roles
A few of Mark’s various TV presentation roles include:
- With my daughter, Daisy Everard, contributions to camera on small fish species (minnows,
sticklebacks and bullheads) for BBC Springwatch 2011 was broadcast on the opening
night of 30th May 2011. You can find the link the the TV clip here.
- With John Bailey for Wensum Roach, part of the On the Fly series produced by Dark
Horse Media Productions, first Broadcast on Sky (Horse and Country) in September
2007 but aired many times since (see
- With Keith Arthur for roach fishing episode of Tight Lines series produced for Sky
and first broadcast Friday 14th December 2007
- With Nigel Botherway for river episode of Tight Lines series produced for Sky and
first broadcast Friday 01st February 2008